
Currently we’re looking for staff. Please email your resume



Should you be interested in a position at Clean Queens, we would like you to consider a few of the following points before you apply.

  • You should have at least 4 years experience in commercial or domestic cleaning.
  • This is not a 9 to 5 job. It is on call 24/7, 365 days of the year.
  • This is hard work, in unusual, restricted areas, in uncomfortable PPE. The odours can be with you for days afterwards.
  • However, it is gratifying on completion of a job when you’ve been able to help someone in real need.
  • Dealing with family members, elderly, people suffering mental health issues, disability, drug and alcohol abuse, they are all very sensitive clients.

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Apply Today

Your application to Clean Queens will only be considered once you’ve emailed why you think you are suited to this demanding work along with your contact details and resume detailing your four years experience to info@cleanqueens.com.au

Post your resume to PO Box 998 Newtown 2042 NSW

Email: info@cleanqueens.com.au