by | Dec 14, 2018 | Feel Good, Mental health, Neglect
Sometimes, Clean Queens is called to assist after a client has had a fall. This is usually an elderly person, who needs emergency help and calls the NSW Ambulance service. The client then spends some time recovering in hospital and when they are ready to go home the...
by | Aug 9, 2018 | Feel Good
Clean Queens had our first home birth! I was at a clients’ home dealing with another issue completely, when suddenly baby Hugo decided it was time to make his presence felt!Surprised? So was new mum Anna,
by | Mar 19, 2018 | Feel Good, Neglect, Unattended death
Clean Queens has been able to families from any corner in the world. This week I met with
by | Feb 14, 2018 | Feel Good, NSW Police
Duty of care comes in all shapes and sizes. The other day, I attended a NSW Police Local Area Command to clean up wet blood in the back of a police truck. The story was: two Constables had attended a call-out about a stray dog. The big tan Labrador had...
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